Consultant, United States Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Healing Hero’s Project: Detection and Computational Analysis of Psychological Signals, Grant Contract Number N66001-11-C-4007.
Consultant, United States Army Telemedicine and Advanced Research Center, Clinical Online PTSD and TBI Analysis for Decision Support (COPTADS). Grant Contract Number W81XWH-13-C-0030.
Morris, J. Long term sequelae to brain injury. Funded by a grant from the National Institute of Handicapped Research (R&T Center Grant Funded by NIHR). Co-principal investigator.
Morris, J. and Merbitz, C. Computer aids to neuropsychological rehabilitation. Funded by a grant from the National Institute of Handicapped Research (R&T Center Grant Funded by NIHR). Co-principal investigator.
Morris, J. and Roth, E. Outcome of rehabilitation of spinal cord injured patients with and without concomitant closed head injury. (Center Grant Funded by MRSCICS/NIHR). Co-principal investigator.
Morris, J. and Fenstermacher, J. Development of a Verbal Category Test. Roosevelt University Summer Grant, Principal Investigator.
Morris, J. and Young, J. Development of the Field Screening Test, a neuropsychological test instrument for use by United States Army first responders (Combat Medics) in the field following suspected traumatic brain injuries and concussive blast injuries and training of more than 350 military medics and physicians’ assistants.
Morris, J. Alternate Paragraphs for the Logical Memory Subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-IV.
Morris, J. Alternate Paragraphs for the Logical Memory Subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-IV/Older Adult Version.
Morris, J. Alternate Paragraphs for the Logical Memory Subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-III.
Morris, J. Alternate Paragraphs for the Logical Memory Subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised.
Contributing Neuropsychologist to Eisai Pharmaceuticals-Worldwide Trials for Phase 3 trial of Alzheimer’s drug lecanemab B(AN2401 to target protein beta amyloid).
Consultation to NIH/Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Consortium/Alzheimer's Disease and Related disorders (ACT/ADRD) for Phase 3 Trial of Alzheimer's clinical trials.
Investigation of declarative memory for written versus orally administered information in normal and brain impaired individuals.
Cautions in using existing neuropsychological measures as a means of determining malingering in brain impaired individuals.
Assessment of adaptation to severe disability and injury using the ADAPSS.
Validation of Alternate Paragraphs for the Wechsler Memory Scale-IV Older Adult Version.
Contributing Neuropsychologist, USC Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute (ATRI)
Four Studies:
1. Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 3 (ADNI3) - Non-randomized natural history non-
treatment study with 1,070-2000 total participants that will be enrolled across 3 cohorts:
cognitively normal (CN), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and mild AD dementia.
2. Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease (A4) - This is a multicenter,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 3 study comparing solanezumab with placebo
given as infusions once every 4 weeks over 4.5 years in approximately 1150 subjects with
preclinical AD, defined as having evidence of elevated brain amyloid pathology before the stage of
clinically evident cognitive impairment, with an optional open-label extension period.
3. Longitudinal Evaluation of Amyloid Risk and Neurodegeneration (LEARN). A Companion
Observational Study to Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's Disease (A4)
Trial. This is a multicenter, observational study evaluating the rate of cognitive change in
approximately 500 subjects without evidence of elevated Aβ on screening PET scan.
4. Long-Term Nicotine Treatment of Mild Cognitive Impairment (NIC) - Patient population: A Phase 2
multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in approximately 380
participants with MCI. U
15. Improving Screening Efficiency Through Alternate Story Recall. Doherty, T, Smith, S, Smith, M.S., Lynch, S.Y., Morris, J., and Swanson, C. Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease Conference,
Boston, November 9, 2021.
16. Caban, J., Durst, S, Kagan, V, Morris, J., Terrell, J. Rossini, E. Stevens, A. and Subrahmanian,
V.S. (2017, submitted for publication). Predicting depression from writing samples.
17. Stabler, A. and Morris, J. (2016). Sleep disturbance severity is associated with earlier self-
reported onset of cognitive decline among older adults. International Neuropsychological
Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
18. Stabler, A. and Morris, J. (2015). Conversion to Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Baseline
Cognitively Normal, Older Adult Research Volunteers and Clinic Patients with Subjective
Cognitive Impairment: Analysis from a Follow-up Evaluation. International Neuropsychological
Society Annual 2016 Meeting, Boston Mass.
19. Dusold, J., Morris, J., Swier-Vosnos, A., and Pliskin, N. (2014). Effects of Severity of Dementia on
a Symptom Validity Measure. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 28(7), 1197-1208.
20. Morris, J., Woodworth, C., Swier-Vosnos, A, Rossini, E., and Jackson, I. (2014). Relationship of
Sensory Modality to Retention of Episodic Memory. Applied Neuropsychology-Adult. 21(2), 143-
147. .
21. Umfleet, L., Ryan, J., Morris, J. and Pliskin, N. (2013). Comparison of nondominant and
dominant hand performances on the WMS-IV Visual Reproduction Subtest Copy and Memory
Components. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35(5), 480-488.
22. Morris, J, Swier-Vosnos, A., Woodworth, C., Umfleet, L. G., Czipri, S., & Kopald, B. (2013).
Development of alternate paragraphs for the Logical Memory Subtest of the Wechsler Memory
Scale-IV, Applied Neuropsychology, 19, 1-5.
23. Walter, J., Morris, J., Pliskin, N., and Rossini, E. (2013). Effects of Dementia Severity on
Symptom Validity Test Performance in a Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment Population.
11 th Annual American Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Chicago, Il.
24. Morris, J., Swier-Vosnos, A., Dusold, J., & Woodworth, C. (2013). Comparison of
able-bodied and spinal cord injured individuals’ appraisals of disability, Spinal Cord, 51, 338-340.
25. Umfleet, L.G. Ryan, J.J., Gontkovsky, S.T., Morris, J. (2012) Estimating WAIS-IV Indexes:
Proration versus Linear Scaling in a Clinical Sample, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(4), 390-
26. Umfleet, L.G., Ryan, J.J., Morris, J., and Rossini, E. (2012) Comparison of Nondominant and
Dominant Hand Performances on the WMS-IV Visual Reproductions Subtest. International
Neuropsychological Society, Washington, D.C.
27. Glass Umfleet, L., Ryan, J. J., Gontkovsky, S., & Morris, J. (2011, February). Estimating WAIS-IV
Indexes: Proration versus Linear Scaling. 39 th Annual Meeting of The International
Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.
28. Umfleet, L.G., Ryan, J.J., Morris, J., & Pliskin, N. (2011, August). Comparison of non-dominant
and dominant hand performance on a test of visual construction and memory in a right hand
dominant population. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological
Association, Washington, DC.
29. Morris, J. Results of the Appraisal of Disability: Primary and Secondary Scale (ADAPSS) in a non-
disabled population. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the European Spinal
Association, Barcelona, Spain, May 4, 2011.
30. Hundal, J. and Morris, J. (2011). Clinical Validity of the Children’s Category Test-Level 2 in a
Mixed Sample of School Aged Children. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 26, 331-339.
31. Morris, J., Glass, L., Ryan, J.J., Czipri, S., Herst, S, Jackson, I., and Kopald, B. (2011). Development
of alternate paragraphs for the logical memory subtest of the Wechsler Memory scale-IV. 119 th
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
32. Morris, J. (2009). Effects of right hemisphere strokes on personality functioning. Stroke
Rehabilitation, 16,(6), 425-430.
33. Ryan, J.J., Bartels, J.M., Morris, J., Cluff, R.B., and Gontkovsky, S.T. (2009). WAIS-III VIQ-PIQ and
VCI-POI discrepancies in lateralized cerebral damage. International Journal of Neuroscience,
119, 1198-1209.
34. Kazmierczak, J., Morris, J. Rossini, E., Hundal, J., Jasinski, N., and Ryan, J.J. (2009). Memory and
The neuropsychological assessment of learning disabilities. Paper presentation, International
Conference of Education Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.
35. Glass, L.A., Ryan, J.J., Bartels, J.M., and Morris, J. (2008). Estimating WISC-IV
Indexes: Proration versus linear scaling. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 84, 1175-
36. Ryan, J.J., Morris, J., Brown, K.I., Glass, L. (2007) Effects on WAIS-III Performance IQ (PIQ)and
Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), when Object Assembly is substituted for each standard Performance Scale
subtest. Assessment, 13(4), 391-395.
37. Ryan, J.J., Morris, J., Brown, K.I., and Gontkovsky, S.T. (2006) WAIS-III intersubtest scatter:
Acomparison of brain damaged patients and normal controls. Journal of Clinical Psychology,
62(10), 1319-1326.
38. Olson, D., and Morris, J. (Issue Eds.). (1998). Health promotion after stroke: Psychological
perspective [Special Issue]. Stroke Rehabilitation, 5(2).
39. Morris, J. (1998) The role of psychology in stroke rehabilitation. Stroke Rehabilitation, 5 (2), 1-
40. Ryan, J.J., Weilage, M.E., Paulo, A.M,., and Morris, J. (1998). Utility of the Seven Subtest WAIS-R
Short Form in a female sample with brain damage. International Journal of Neuroscience, 93(3-
4), 197-203.
41. Morris, J., Kunka, J.M., and Rossini, E.D. (1997). Alternate paragraphs for the Logical Memory
subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 11 (4).
42. Ryan, J.J., Paolo, A.M., Miller, D.M., and Morris, J. (1997). Exploratory Factor Analysis of the
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised in a Sample of Brain Damaged Women. Archives of
Clinical Neuropsychology, 12, 683-9.
43. Ryan, J.J., Weilage, M.E., Lopez, S.J., Paolo, A.M., Miller, D.M., and Morris, J. (1997). Application
of the Seven-Subtest Short Form of the WAIS-R in African Americans with Brain Damage.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 15(4), 314-321.
44. Morris, J. (1994). Some cautions when using functional assessment scales. Geriatric
Rehabilitation, 9 (3), 2-7.
45. Choca, J. and Morris, J. (1991). Administering the category test by computer: Equivalence of
results. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 5 (4), 1-7.
46. Matthews, C.G.. Harley, J.P., Malec, J.F., and Morris, J. (1991). Guidelines for computer-assisted
neuropsychological rehabilitation and cognitive rehabilitation. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 5
(1), 3-19.
47. Davidoff, G., Roth, E. Thomas, P. Doljanac, R., Dijkers, M., Berent, S., Morris, J. and Yarkony, G.
(1990). Depression and neuropsychological test performance in acute spinal cord injury patients:
Lack of correlation. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 5, 77-88.
48. Choca, J. and Morris, J. Computerized version of the Halstead Category Test. Paper
presentation, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Division of Clinical
Psychology, August 13, 1990.
49. Davidoff, G., Roth, E., Thomas, P., Doljanac, R., Dijkers, M., Berent, S., Wold, L., Morris, J., and
Yarkony, G. (1990). Depression amount acute spinal cord injury patients: A study utilizing the
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Rehabilitation Psychology, 35, 171-179.
50. Morris, J. Anger/Fear: Impersonal hostility.(1989) American Association of Spinal Cord Injury
Psychologists and Social Workers Quarterly, 1(2), 3-4.
51. Roth, E., Davidoff, G., Thomas, P., Doljanac, R., Dijkers, M., Berent, S., Morris, J., and Yarkony, G.
(1989). A controlled study of neuropsychological deficits in acute spinal cord injury patients.
Paraplegia, 27, 480-489.
52. Merbitz, C., Morris, J., and Grip, J.C. (1989). Ordinal Scales and Foundations of Misinference.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 70, 308-312.
53. Morris, J., Merbitz, C., and Grip, J.C. Numbers and nonnumbers: A source of error in
rehabilitation decision making. Paper presented at the International Conference of
Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology, Montreal, June, 1988.
54. Morris, J. Anger in the rehabilitation setting. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, November 2, 1987.
55. Kirsch, N.L. and Morris, J. Computer software in neuropsychological rehabilitation: Tools and
treatments. Invited paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, August, 1987.
56. Davidoff, G., Thomas, P., Roth, E. Berent, S., Morris, J. Dijkers, M., Klisz, D., Doljanac, R. and
Yarkony, G. Risk factors for depression among acute spinal cord injury patients. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, October,
57. Roth, E.J., Morris, J., Davidoff, G., Thomas, P., Dijkers, M., Berent, S., Klisz, D. and Yarkony, G.
Neuropsychologic testing of spinal cord injury patients: Comparisons with non-injured controls.
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine,
October, 1987.
58. Lehr, E. and Morris, J. A neuropsychological database for clinical research. Poster presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Division 40, Clinical
Neuropsychology, August, 1987.
59. Morris, J. Treatment of spinal cord injury: A cross cultural comparison. Invited paper, presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social
Workers, November 4, 1987.
60. Morris, J. Anger in the rehabilitation setting. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, November 2, 1987.
61. Morris, J., Roth, E. and Davidoff, G. (1986). Mild closed head injury and cognitive deficits in
spinal cord injured patients: Incidence and impact. Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 4,31-42.
62. Morris, J. and Bleiberg, J. (1986). Neuropsychological rehabilitation and traditional
psychotherapy. International Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 8, 133-135.
63. Davidoff, G., Roth, E., Morris, J. and, J. (1986). Assessment of closed head injury in trauma-
related spinal cord injury. Paraplegia, 24, 94-104.
64. Davidoff, G., Morris, J. Roth, E. and Bleiberg, J. (1985). Cognitive dysfunction and mild closed
head injury in traumatic spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 66,
65. Morris, J. Software for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine Annual Meeting, Kansas City, September, 1985.
66. Morris, J. Emergency room assessment of closed head injury in trauma related spinal cord
injury. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Medical Society of
Paraplegia, Denver, Colorado, June, 1984.
67. Davidoff, G., Morris, J., Roth, E., and Bleiberg, J. (1985). Closed head injury in spinal cord
patients: retrospective review of loss of consciousness and post-traumatic amnesia. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitations, 66, 41-43.
68. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Following Brain Injury. Annual meeting of the
Midwest Neuropsychological Group May 18, 1983.
69. Morris, J. Ryan, J.J., and Peterson, R.A. Neuropsychological predictors of vocational behavior.
Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Division
40, Clinical Psychology, 1982.
70. Schueneman, A. L. and Morris, J. (1982). Neuropsychological deficits associated with spinal cord
injury. Spinal Cord Injury Digest, 4, 35-64.
71. Ryan, J.D., Morris, J., Yaffa, S. and Peterson, L. (1981). Test-retest reliability of the Wechsler
Memory Scale, Form I. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 37, 847-848.
72. Mitchell, K., Choca, J., Laatsch, L., and Morris, J. (2006). Computerized assessment of neurologic
disease: The Emotional Assessment System. American Psychological Association Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
73. Morris, J., Ryan, J.J., Gerhart, A., and Rossini, E. (2005). Development of alternate paragraphs
for the Logical Memory Subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-III. Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine Second Annual Research Conference.
74. Ryan, J.J. Morris, J., Gontkovsky, S.T., Kluff, R.B. and Brown, K.I. (2005). WAIS-III VIQ-PIQ
Discrepancies in lateralized cerebral damage. American Psychological Association Annual
Meeting, Washington, D.C.
75. Ryan, J.J. Morris, J., and Brown, K.I. (2005). Effects on WAIS-III Performance IQ and Full Scale IQ
when Object Assembly is substituted for each standard Performance Scale subtest. (2005).
American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
76. Semerjian, C., Walsh, K., Thomas, A. & Morris, J. (2018, February). Comparing executive functioning and social problems in pediatric neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) patients with and without comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Poster accepted at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychology Society, Washington, D.C
77. Semerjian, C., Walsh, K.S., Thomas, A., Morris, J.M. (June, 2016). Comparing symptom profile of pediatric neurofibromatosis (NF1) patients with and without comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Poster presented at the 14th Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Chicago, Illinois.
78. Morris, J. (2014, October). Comparison of Views about Disability: Disparity between Able-Bodied and Spinal Cord Injured Individuals. Poster at the annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Toronto, Canada.
79. Umfleet, L.G., Ryan, J.J., & Morris, J. (2011, February). Estimating WISC-IV indexes in brain damaged and medical patients. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.
80. Morris, J., Kopald, B., and Glass, L., Jackson, I. and Ryan, J.J. (2009) Alternate Paragraphs for the Logical Memory Subtests of the Weschler Memory Scale-III, Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society.
81. Glass, L.A., Morris, J., and Ryan, J.J. (2009). Should Picture Concepts replace Picture Completion? Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting.
82. Myers-Pagoria, M.R. and Morris, J. (2008). Verbal fluency and executive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury. Association for Psychological Science, 20th Annual Convention.
1. Morris, J. and Ryan, J. Administration and Interpretation of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery. Workshop, Annual Convention of the Illinois Psychological Association, Decatur, Illinois, November, 1979.
2. Ryan, J. and Morris, J. Neuropsychological Evaluation. Workshop, Annual Convention of the Illinois Psychological Association, Peoria Il., February, 1981.
3. Morris, J. and Schueneman A. Incidence and effects of cerebral trauma in spinal cord injured patients. Invited lecture at the National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, England, July 11, 1982.
4. Morris, J. Neuropsychological sequelae of silent head trauma. Invited lecture, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois, October 1982.
5. Morris, J. Psychological impact of severe disability. Workshop, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Il., January 27-29, 1981.
6. Morris, J. and Schueneman, A.L. The Role of Brain Injury in the Acute Care and Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injured Patients. Invited lecture, University of Oklahoma Medical School, Oklahoma City, November, 18, 1982.
7. Morris, J. Cognitive Rehabilitation and the Role of the Clinical Neuropsychologist. Workshop, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, December 13-14, 1983.
8. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Following Brain Injury. Annual meeting of the Midwest Neuropsychological Group May 18, 1983.
9. Morris, J. Chairman; Psychological Management of the Brain-Impaired Patient. Two day workshop, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (presented to professionals from other institutions), January 16 and 17, 1985.
10. Morris, J. Reactions of Families to the Rehabilitation Process. Invited Lecture, Neuropsychology Rehabilitation Program, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Oklahoma Medical School, Oklahoma City, Ok., September, 1985.
11. Morris, J. Software for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Invited lecture, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Meeting, Kansas City, September, 1985.
12. Morris, J. Management of the Brain Injured Patient, Invited lecture, Leavenworth, Kansas Veterans Administration Medical Center, Leavenworth, Kansas, October, 1985.
13. Morris, J. Neuropsychology and Vocational Issues. Invited lecture, Twelfth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues: Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury. Sponsored by the University of Missouri-Columbia, April 9, 1986.
14. Morris, J. Managing the Non-traditional, Neurologically Impaired Patient. Invited lecture, Ohio Academy of Nursing Homes, Cleveland, Ohio, June, 1986.
15. Morris, J. Anger and the Families of Brain Impaired Patients. Invited lecture, Day Treatment Program, North Chicago Veterans Administration Medical Center, June, 1986.
16. Morris, J. and Davidoff, G. Teaching the Brain Injured Spinal Cord Patient. Invited lecture, National Spinal Injury Association Annual Meeting, August, 1986.
17. Morris, J. Traumatic Brain Injury: Unique Aspects and Challenges. Invited lecture, Iowa Commission for the Blind, September 15, 1986.
18. Morris, J. Management of the Difficult Patient. Invited lecture, Williamsburg Virginia Conference on Rehabilitation, Williamsburg, Virginia, October, 1986.
19. Morris, J. Chairman, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Invited Symposium, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Meeting, October, 1986.
20. Morris, J. Neuropsychology and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury. Invited lecture, Iowa Commission on Rehabilitation, Iowa City, Iowa, May, 1987.
21. Morris, J. Psychological Adjustment to Spinal Injury. Invited lecture, St. John's College, Oxford University, July 14 1987.
22. Morris, J. Psychotherapy and the Spinal Injured Patient: A Treatment Philosophy. Invited lecture, Nuffield Hospital, Oxford University, July 16, 1987.
23. Morris, J. Psychological Management of Brain Injured Patients. Invited lecture, St. John's College, Oxford University, July 15, 1987.
24. Morris, J. Three Models for Delivery of Psychological Services to Spinal Injured Patients. Invited lecture, Medical Grand Rounds, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, September 2, 1987.
25. Morris, J. Neuropsychological evaluation and pseudo-seizure patients. Invited lecture, Neurology Grand Rounds, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois, January 19, 1988.
26. Morris, J. Psychological Aspects of Epilepsy. Invited lecture, in "Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management". Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Neurology Department, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, March 26, 1988.
27. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Assessment. Invited lecture, Traumatic Brain Injury Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, June 22, 1988.
28. Morris, J. The Interdisciplinary Team Model. Invited lecture, Hines Veterans Administration Medical Center, Hines, Il., August 25, 1988.
29. Morris, J. Sexual Relationships Following Brain Injury. Invited lecture, Brain Injury Association of Illinois Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il., September 24, 1988.
30. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Assessment and Substance Abuse. Invited lecture, Substance Abuse Program, St. Joseph Medical Center, Joliet, Il., April 24, 1989.
31. Morris, J. Psychological effects of disability. Invited lecture, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, May 17, 1989.
32. Morris, J. Psychosocial and Neuropsychological Sequelae of Brain Injury. Invited lecture, Traumatic Brain Injury Conference, University of Missouri, May 31, 1989.
33. Morris, J. Treating the Spinal Injured Patient. Invited lecture, Occupational Therapy Conference on Quadriplegia, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, March 28, 1990.
34. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Deficits and the Dementias. Invited lecture, St. Joseph's Hospital, Joliet, Il., March 30, 1990.
35. Morris, J. Disability and Minority Group Status. Invited lecture, University of Illinois Circle Campus, Chicago, Il., November 12, 1990.
36. Morris, J. Respecting the Patient's Dignity. Invited lecture, New Medico Head Injury Rehabilitation Program, Kankakee, Il., February 6, 1991.
37. Morris, J. Pediatric Neuropsychology. Invited lecture, Silver Cross Hospital, April 12, 1991.
38. Morris, J. Functional Neuroanatomy. Invited lecture, Meadowbrook of Chicago, September 16, 1991
39. Morris, J. Adjustment Issues and Multiple Sclerosis. Invited lecture, Methodist Hospital, Merrillville, Indiana, September 28, 1991.
40. Morris, J. Behavioral Interventions and Patients with Closed Head Injuries. Invited lecture, New Medico Head Injury Rehabilitation Program, Kankakee, Illinois, October 23, 1991.
41. Morris, J. Depression Following Cerebral Vascular Accident. Invited lecture, Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, Naperville, Illinois, November 13, 1991.
42. Morris, J. Functional neuroanatomy. Invited lecture, Gary Methodist Hospital, November 13, 1991.
43. Morris, J. Psychological Consequences of Spinal Cord Injury. Invited lecture, Spinal Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, May 20, 1992.
44. Morris, J. Splitting and the traumatic brain injury patient. Invited lecture, New Medico Head Injury Rehabilitation Program, Kankakee, Illinois, June 3, 1992.
45. The Effects of Substance Abuse on Brain Functioning. Invited lecture, St. Joseph's Hospital, Joliet Illinois, July 9, 1992.
46. Morris, J. Making the Differential Diagnosis: Primary Depression vs. Primary Dementia. Invited lecture, Oakwood Hospital, Rockford, Il., July 29, 1992.
47. Morris, J. Medicare Regulations and Rehabilitation. Sponsored by Division 22 at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 17, 1992.
48. Morris, J. Psychopathology of disconnection syndromes and other neurologic disorders. Invited lecture, University of Illinois Medical School, February 5, 1993.
49. Morris, J. Principles of behavioral interventions with neurologically impaired patients. Invited lecture, University of Illinois Medical School, March 19, 1993.
50. Morris, J. Cognitive rehabilitation - a philosophy of treatment. Invitedlecture, University of Illinois Medical School, March 26, 1993.
51. Morris, J. and Zeiner, H. Invited 3-day training seminar. Cognitive and neuropsychological interventions for the independent living center. North Shore-Chicago Rehabilitation Center, June 16 - 18, 1993.
52. Morris, J. Understanding behavior problems exhibited in brain injured patients. Riverside Hospital, Kankakee, Illinois, August 16, 1993.
53. Morris, J. The neuropsychology of Alzheimer's Disease and a comparison with other dementias. Invited speaker, Medical Grand Rounds, Swedish American Hospital, Rockford, Illinois December 15, 1993.
54. Illinois University School of Medicine, Center for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, December 16, 1993.
55. Morris, J. Disturbances of memory following closed head injury and other neurologic disorders. Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation, February 7, 1994.
56. Morris, J. The role of the neuropsychologist in the acute rehabilitation setting. Invited speaker, Northern Indiana Rehabilitation Hospital, February 9, 1994.
57. Morris, J. Developing self-esteem. Invited speaker, Health and Resource Center for Women with Disabilities Conference, March 12, 1994.
58. Morris, J. Long term adjustment issues following head injury. Brain Injury Association of Illinois Chapter Meeting, Alsip, Illinois, April 9, 1994.
59. Morris, J. Neuropsychology and Cognitive/Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation. Invited speaker, Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit Annual Conference, Methodist Hospital, Merrillville, Indiana, April 28, 1994.
60. Morris, J. Families of individuals with brain injury: The challenge to therehabilitation team. Keynote Speaker, Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, Riverside Hospital, Kankakee, Illinois, May 22, 1994.
61. Morris, J. Cognitive rehabilitation: Philosophy of treatment. Invited speaker,Northern Indiana Rehabilitation Center, Valparaiso, Indiana, June 22, 1994
62. Morris, J. Neuropsychological rehabilitation of visuo-spatial processing deficits following traumatic brain injury. Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Merrillville, Indiana, June 20, 1994.
63. Morris, J. Functional Neuroanatomy. Invited speaker, Northern Indiana Rehabilitation Center, Valparaiso, Indiana, July 6, 1994.
64. Morris, J. The basis of memory deficits following traumatic brain injury and cognitive rehabilitation of those deficits. Invited speaker, Northern Indiana Rehabilitation Center, Valparaiso, Indiana, July 20, 1994.
65. Morris, J. Rehabilitation past and present: Gains and losses. Invited speaker, Annual Insurance Seminar: Rehabilitation in a New Era. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, September 29, 1995.
66. Morris, J. and Zeiner, H. Cognitive Rehabilitation. Invited two-day workshop, Cognitive Treatment of Brain Injured Patients. Santa Rosa Hospitals, San Antonio, Texas, November 3 and 4, 1995.
67. Morris, J. Memory deficits associated with closed head injuries. Invited speaker, Brain Injury Seminar, Rehab Centers, Merrillville, Indiana, November 9, 1995.
68. Morris, J. Contributions of neuropsychology to stroke rehabilitation. Invited speaker, Annual Conference on Stroke Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, April 25, 1996.
69. Morris, J. Psychological adjustment to spinal injury. Annual Physical Therapy SCI Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, May 16, 1996.
70. Morris, J. Neuropsychological sequelae of Parkinson's disease. Invited Lecture, Parkinson's Disease Support Group, Rehab Centers, Merrillville, Indiana, May 23, 1996.
71. Morris, J. Behavioral issues following closed head injury. Invited Lecture, Brain Injury Support Group, Rehab Centers, Merrillville, Indiana, June 13, 1996.
72. Morris, J. and Zeiner, H. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Brain Injured Patients. Two-day workshop, Springfield, Missouri, October 11 and 12, 1996.
73. Morris, J. Psychological management of spinal injured patients. Invited Lecture, Physiatrist Residency Education Program, Northwestern University Medical School, October 21, 1996.
74. Morris, J. Connecting the thoughts after brain injury. Invited Lecture, Second Annual AANN Conference, New Waves In Neuroscience. Munster, In., November 8, 1996.
75. Morris, J. and Zeiner, H. Cognitive and Behavioral Techniques and Relationship Issues in the Treatment of Brain Injured Adults. Two-day workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, May 19 and 20, 1997.
76. Morris, J. and Young, J. Cognitive and Medical Treatment of Persons with Brain Injury: Tricks of the Trade. Workshop, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, September 18 and 19, 1997.
77. Morris, J. and Young, J. Cognitive and Medical Treatment of Persons with Brain Injury: Tricks of the Trade. Workshop sponsored by the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Tucson, Arizona, February 16 and 17, 1997.
78. Morris, J. and Young, J. Cognitive and Medical Treatment of Persons with Brain Injury: Tricks of the Trade. Workshop, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, September 15 and 16, 1998.
79. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Invited lecture, Pacific Conference on Brain Injury: The Continuum of Care. Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 2-5, 1998.
80. Morris, J. Cognitive Rehabilitation. Invited Lecture, Nevada Annual Brain and Spinal Injury Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 15, 1998.
81. Morris, J. Psychological Adjustment to Spinal Injury. Invited lecture, Nevada Annual Brain and Spinal Injury Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 16, 1998.
82. Morris, J. and Young, J. Cognitive Treatment of Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury. Workshop sponsored by Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl., February 15 and 16, 1999.
83. Morris, J. Adjustment to Spinal Injury. Invited lecture, Annual Physical Therapy Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, February 18, 1999.
84. Morris, J. Dealing with the Spinal Injured Patient. Invited lecture, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Annual Occupation Therapy Workshop, February 24, 1999.
85. Morris, J. Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Philosophy of Treatment. Invited lecture, Oxford University, March 30, 1999.
86. Morris, J. Psychological Treatment of Brain Injured Patients. Invited lecture, National Spinal Injury Centre, Stoke-Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, England, April 1, 1999.
87. Morris, J. Cognitive and Behavioral Treatment of the Brain Injured Person. Invited Workshop, Annual Brain Injury Conference, Hot Springs, Arkansas, April 1 and 2, 1999.
88. Morris, J. and Young, J. Cognitive Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult. Invited workshop, Cheshire Medical Center, Keene, New Hampshire, May 22 and 23, 1999.
89. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Treatment of Brain Injured Patients. Invited lecture, Regions Hospital, Minneapolis, MN, September 25 and 26, 1999.
90. Morris, J. & Young, J. Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions with Brain Injured Patients. Christus Santa Rosa Rehabilitation Hospital, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 13 and 14, 1999.
91. Morris, J. and Young, J. A System of Cognitive and Medical Treatment of Brain Injured Patients. Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Hospital, Boise, Idaho, March 3 and 4, 2000.
92. Morris, J. Cognitive Treatment of Persons with Brain Injury. Invited lecturer, Western Maryland Health System, Cumberland, Maryland, March 11, 2000.
93. Morris, J. Psychological Adjustment to Spinal Injury. Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, May 18, 2000.
94. Morris, J. Psychological Adjustment to Severe Disability. Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, Chicago, May 24, 2000.
95. Morris, J. and Young, J. Working with the Brain Injured Adult. Oak Forest Hospital, Oak Forest, Il., May 8 and 9, 2000.
96. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Invited lecturer, Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, May 27-28, 2000.
97. Morris, J. Transdisciplinary Treatment of Persons with Brain Injury. Invited lecture, Wyoming Brain Injury Association Annual Conference, Lander, Wyoming, July 26 and 27, 2000.
98. Morris, J. and Young, J. Integrating Treatment Modalities. Invited lecture, Sparrow Rehabilitation Hospital, Lansing, Michigan, September 16 and 17, 2000.
99. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Deficits and Multiple Sclerosis. Invited lecture, Annual Conference, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Merrillville, Indiana, October 26, 2000.
100. Morris, J. Psychological Consequences of Spinal Injury. Invited lecture, August Veterans Administration Medical Center, Augusta, Georgia, October 30, 2000.
101. Morris, J. Re-building the Injured Self Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Invited lecture. North Shore Chapter, Brain Injury Association of Illinois. March 22, 2001.
102. Morris, J. Behavioral Treatment of Persons with Brain Injury. Invited lecture, Wyoming Brain Injury Association, June 27-28, 2001.
103. Morris, J. Psychological Issues and Multiple Sclerosis. Invited lecture, Annual Conference, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Merrillville, Indiana, October 24, 2001.
104. Morris, J. and Young, J. Behavioral Interventions with Brain Injured Individuals. Invited Lecture Series, Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Hospital, Boise, Idaho, February 4 and 5, 2002.
105. Morris, J. and Young, J. A Program of Outpatient Treatment for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, March 3 and 4, 2002.
106. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease. Invited lecture. Alzheimer’s Conference, The Wealshire, April 11, 2002.
107. Harley, J. P., Uzzell, B. P., Malec, J.F., Pepping, M, Morris, J., and Klonoff, P. Course: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 22nd Annual National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, October 10, 2002.
108. Morris, J. Neuropsychology of Alzheimer’s Disease. Invited lecture, New Developments in Dementia Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research for the Primary Care Physician, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Lake County Health Department, December 5, 2002.
109. Morris, J. Cortical, White Matter, and Subcortical Dementias. Alzheimer’s Association of Illinois, Lincolnshire, Il., April 11, 2003.
110. Morris, J. Neuropsychology and Parkinson’s Disease. Parkinson’s Support Group, Northbrook, Il., September 9, 2003.
111. Morris, J. Brain Injury and Issues of Sexuality. Invited Lecture, Annual Conference, Brain Injury Association of Illinois, October 4, 2003.
112. Morris, J. The Changing Face of Gerontology. Invited Lecture, FPA, North Shore Council, December 3, 2003.
113. Morris, J. Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury: Re-Defining Self. Keynote Speaker, Annual SCI Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, March, 2, 2004
114. Morris, J. The Dementias. Alzheimer’s Association of Illinois. June 28, 2004.
115. Morris, J. Driving and Dementia. Invited Lecture, Alzheimer’s Association of Illinois Annual conference, November 13, 2004.
116. Morris, J. The Normal Aging Process vs. Dementia. Invited lecture, Highland Park Senior Center, August 1, 2005.
117. Morris, J. Positive Parenting; Raising the Resilient Person. Invited Lectures, Parents as Partners, Glenview, Il. October 22, 2005.
118. Morris, J. and Young, M. State-of-the-Art Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Cognitive, Behavioral, and Medical Management: A practical review for clinicians. Workshop, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, December 8-9, 2005
119. Morris, J. Redefining One’s Self After Spinal Injury. Annual Spinal Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, March 7, 2006.
120. Morris, J. and Young, M. Neuropsychological and Medical Treatment of Brain Injured Patients. Invited two-day workshop, Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, March 18-19, 2006.
121. Morris, J. Parenting the difficult child. Invited Lectures, Parents as Partners, Glenview, Il. Nov 7, 2006.
122. Morris, J. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Brain Impaired Patients. ReHabAid, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Invited Workshop, China, May 10, 11, 2007.
123. Morris, J. Invited lecture: Managing the difficult patient. Annual Spinal Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, August 3, 2007.
124. Morris J. Professional report writing. Invited Lecture, Child Psychiatry Residency Program, University of Illinois-Chicago, September 6, 2007.
125. Morris, J. Positive parenting techniques. Invited lectures, Parents as Partners, Glenview, Il. November 10, 2007.
126. Morris, J. and Young, J. Cognitive and medical treatment of brain injured patients: An integrated approach. Invited Workshop, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, December 6-7, 2007.
127. Morris, J. Redefining one’s self after spinal injury. Annual Spinal Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, July 25, 2008.
128. Morris, J. Invited lecture, National Spinal Injury Centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, England. August 2008 and January 18, 2008.
129. Morris, J. Invited Workshop: Brain Injury Rehabilitation: How to evaluation and treat cognitive and behavioral issues. IOTA Annual Conference, Boise, Idaho. October 17, 2008.
130. Morris, J. Keynote Speaker, Annual Conference: Parents in Partnership, Glenview, Il. November 15, 2008.
131. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Annual Spinal Injury Course, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, July 2009.
132. Morris, J. Neurocognitive correlates of multiple sclerosis. Invited Speaker, Neurorehabilitation Symposium 2009: Evidenced-based practice for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Il., October 16, 2009.
133. Morris, J. Principles of effective parenting. Annual Conference: Parents in Partnership, Glenview, Il. November 7, 2009.
134. Morris, J. Keynote Speaker, Evidenced-Based Practice in Neuro-Rehabilitation. Annual Interdisciplinary Brain Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, May 2010.
135. Morris, J. Brain injury rehabilitation of patients with and without pre-trauma psychiatric history. Annual Interdisciplinary Brain Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, May 2010.
136. Morris, J. Managing the difficult spinal injured patient. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago annual spinal Injury Conference, July 2010.
137. Morris, J. Invited speaker. Coping with Change. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. June 14, 2010.
138. Morris, J. Keynote speaker. Building Social/Intimate Relationships following Brain Injury. Annual Conference, Brain Injury Association of Illinois. October 23, 2010.
139. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Principles of effective parenting. Annual Conference: Parents in Partnership, Glenview, Il. October 30, 2010.
140. Morris, J. Invited lecturer, Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, Northwestern University Medical School, February 17, 18, and 21 2011.
141. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Spinal Cord Injury Association of Illinois. Developing resiliency. April 30, 2011.
142. Morris, J. Invited speaker, The Power of the Team, Annual Spinal Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, June 2011.
143. Morris, J. and Young, J. Invited workshop, Treatment of Behavioral Disorders in TBI patients. Genesis Annual Conference, Davenport, Iowa, October 8, 2011.
144. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Raising the Resilient Child. Annual Conference: Parents in Partnership, Glenview, Il. November 12, 2011.
145. Morris, J. Keynote Speaker, Neurological Perspectives on Behavior, Illinois Pioneer Coalition Annual Conference, April 25, 2012.
146. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Managing the Difficult Patient, Annual Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, June 7, 2012.
147. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Parenting. Annual Conference: Parents in Partnership, Glenview, Il. November 20, 2012.
148. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Philosophy of Treatment. Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury. Carle Clinic, Champaign, Il., April, 2013.
149. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Facilitating Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury: The Power of the Team. Annual SCI Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, June 29, 2013.
150. Morris, J. Invited speaker, TBI Screening and Assessment, Workshop: TBI and the Military, Veterans’ Affairs Illinois Joining Forces Program, Chicago, October 10, 2013.
151. Morris, J. Invited speaker, SCI and Family Dynamics throughout the Life Span. SCI Association of Illinois Conference, Chicago, November 8, 2013.
152. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Challenges in Parenting, Parents in Partnership, Glenview, November 16, 2013.
153. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Great Lakes Optometric Conference, Using Psychology to Improve Results in Treatment. March 2, 2014.
154. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, April 10, 2014.
155. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Psychological Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury, Annual SCI Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, June 27, 2014.
156. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, August 6, 2014.
157. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, September 18, 2014.
158. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, January 22, 2015.
159. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, April 23, 2015.
160. Morris, J. Invited Speaker. Facilitating Adjustment to Spinal Injury: The Power of the Team. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, June 5, 2015.
161. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, August 27, 2015.
162. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, September 24, 2015.
163. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, January 21, 2016.
164. Morris, J. Invited speaker. Adjustment to Severe Disability and Injury. Webinar, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, March 3, 2016.
165. Morris, J. Invited Speaker. Managing the Difficult Spinal Injured Patient. Annual SCI Conference, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, June 23, 2016.
166. Morris, J. Invited speaker, NeuroRestorative Academy, Implications of Functional Neuroanatomy and Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury, October 6, 2016.
167. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, March 23, 2017.
168. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, April 20, 2017.
169. Morris, J. Keynote Speaker, ESPA, Trinity College, Oxford April 27, 2017.
170. Morris, J. Treating the Spinal Injured Individual: Enhancing Clinical Ability. Annual SCI Conference, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab formerly Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, June 2, 2017.
171. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, January 21, 2018
172. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, March 1, 2018.
173. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, August 23, 2018.
174. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Adjustment to Spinal Injury. Mary Free Bed Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI, September 27, 2018
175. Morris, J. Invited Speaker. Boundary Issues. Physical Therapy Seminar, SRALab (RIC), October 18, 2018.
176. Morris, J. Invited speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, September 20, 2018.
177. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury and Posstraumatic Stress Disorder Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, January 31, 2019.
178. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Psychological Adjustment to Spinal Injury. Annual SCI Conference, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, June 20, 2019.
179. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emertency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, August 22, 2019.
180. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Healing the Injured Self: Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment of Stroke Patients: AbbVie Pharmaceuticals Symposium, Chicago, September 24, 2019.
181. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Facilitating Psychological Adjustment to Spinal Injury. AbbVie Pharmaceuticals Symposium. Chicago, September 25, 2019.
182. Morris, J. Keynote Speaker, Re-working the Relationship with One's Self. Annual Spinal Conference, Mary Free Bed Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI, September 26, 2019.
183. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, SCI and Depression. Spinal Injury Association of Illinois, September 28, 2019.
184. Morris, J. Psychological Treatment for Pediatric Gunshot Wound Patients. Comer Children's Hospital, University of Chicago, November 2, 2019.
185. Morris, J. Invited Speaker, Traumatic Brain Injury. Advanced Trauma Training Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, January 23, 2020.
I have been the mentor of numerous students in the Doctoral Program in Psychology who are seeking careers in neuropsychology.
1. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Dean, Keli J. MCMI Changes in psychiatric patients with age. Research completed.
2. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Hill, Erin. Examination of the relationship of dementia and depression. Research completed.
3. Dissertation Committee Member, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Mitchell, Kirstin. Assessing depression in patients referred with neurologic disease: Correlations between the Beck Depression Inventory-II and the Emotional Assessment System. Research completed.
4. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology:, Michele Meyers. Executive Dysfunction Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Research completed.
5. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Hundal, Jasdeep. Statistical properties of the Children’s Category Test. Research completed.
6. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Swier-Vosnos, Amy. The Key Search Test: Assessing problem solving abilities in older adults. Research Completed.
7. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Hanson, Stephen. Psychopathy as evolutionary life style: Factors discriminating among sex offender types. Research Completed.
8. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Kazmierczak, Jeffrey. Memory Impairment: The Silent Learning Disability. Research Completed.
9. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Kopald, Brandon E. Comparison of Facial Affect Processing in Mother-Child Dyads of Children with and without Disruptive Behaviors. Research completed.
10. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Glass, Laura. Comparison of nondominant and dominant hand performance on a test of visual construction and memory in a right hand dominant population. Research completed.
11. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Peters, Kimberly. Alternate form reliability of the Morris-IV paragraphs in older adults. Research completed.
12. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Woodworth, Craig. Influence of perceptual modality on episodic memory using the original WMS-IV Logical Memory paragraphs and the Morris-IV equivalent paragraphs. Research completed.
13. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Lekkos, Stacy. Sensitivity of the Intermediate Trail Making Test. Research completed.
14. Dissertation Committee Chair, Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Kouzios, Demetrious. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV: Effects of substitution of subscales. Research completed.
15. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Walter, J. Investigation of the Test of Memory Malingering in individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Research completed.
16. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Mekota, Ryan. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV: Effects of substitution of subscales. Research completed.
17. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Kern, Barrett. Gender Differences in the Phenomenological Characteristics of Schizophrenic Hallucinations. Research completed.
18. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Goudis, Nektaria. Statistical properties and clinical utility of the Children’s Category Test Level-1. Research completed..
19. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Guajardo, Sarah. Appraisals and psychosocial functioning in a traumatic brain injury population. Research completed.
20. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Footer, Dana. Wechsler Intelligence Scale-IV: An investigation of the General Ability Index in a pediatric sample. Research completed.
21. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Stabler, Anthony. Clinical versus statistical prediction of conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type among cognitive normal and clinical older adults from the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center’s Uniform Data Set. Research Completed.
22. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology. Semerjian, Clair. Executive functioning and social/emotional functioning in children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1. Research Completed.
23. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Timko, Ariana. Relationship between depression and death in those with Sickle Cell Anemia. Research competed.
25. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Andrew, Cyrielle. Validating Three Ultra-Brief Measures of Premorbid Intellectual Functioning with the Test of Premorbid Intelligence (TOPF): A Pilot Study. Research completed..
26. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for a doctoral candidate in psychology: Tegan Michl. Wechsler Test of Adult Reading’s Relationship with Less Known Brief IQ Tests, Altus Information Inventory, Kent EGY, and the Rapid Approximate Test of Intelligence: A Pilot Study. Research completed.
27. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for doctoral candidate in psychology:
Lindsay Katz. Response inhibition in children with ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. Research Completed.
28. Dissertation Committee Chair. Roosevelt University for doctoral candidate in psychology.
Dayna Abramson. Age and severity of hallucinations in schizophrenia. Research Completed.
29. Dissertation Committee Chair: Mordini, F. Adjustment to spinal injury: assessing sense of coherence. (Illinois Professional School) Research completed.
30. Dissertation Committee Chair: Doronzo, J. A learning theory basis for behavioral deficits following closed head injury. (University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School) Research completed.
31. Dissertation Committee Member: Nies, K.J. Brain damage and personality change: the role of syntax in MMPI scores. (University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School) Research completed.
Supervision of research for a James Scholar candidate at the University of Illinois School of Medicine:
Keny, H. Procedural and semantic memory: Differences in learning rates of patients with traumatic brain injury.
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago:
Initially employed as a Staff Psychologist in 1981, I became Senior Psychologist at RIC, a facility for rehabilitation of physically disabled individuals. The institute is dedicated to the most severe cases. I worked both on the adult and pediatric services. My duties included provision of clinical services, including neuropsychological evaluations and psychotherapy, to patients as well as consultation with treatment team members. I was Director of the Neuropsychological Testing Service where I supervised the work of four psychometricians. In that service, we saw approximately 1,000 patients a year. I directed the psychology services for the Spinal Injury Service, the Brain Injury Service, and a General Rehabilitation Service, where I delivered psychology services myself and also supervised the work of other psychologists and post-doctoral fellows.
New Medico Brain Injury Treatment Program
St. Joseph Hospital Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program
Hartgrove Hospital
Methodist Hospital Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program
University of Illinois Medical Center Post-Surgery Rehabilitation Program
Highland Park Hospital Psychiatric Unit
North Shore-Chicago Rehabilitation Center
Child Developmental Center, Merrillville, Indiana
The Wealshire and The Ponds, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation, and Assisted Living Center
The Mather Continuing Care and Retirement Center
National Spinal Injury Centre, Stoke-Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, England
NeuroRestorative Traumatic Brain Injury Program
Various elementary, junior high, and high schools regarding school planning
Invited Consultation: On-site consultation to the National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke-Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, England. In addition, consultation included presentation of a series of 8 invited lectures at the National Spinal Injuries Centre. June-July 1987.
Grant Reviewer, U.S. Department of Rehabilitation Services, Department of Education, Washington, D.C., August, 1987.
Grant Reviewer, Spinal Cord Research Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1990 to the present.
Member, Admissions Committee, Northwestern Medical School Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, 1987-1989 and 1990 -1996.
Chair, Psychology Section, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, November 1987 to 1994.
Member, American Psychological Association Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology) Task Force: Neuropsychology and Cognitive Rehabilitation.
Member, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Task Force: Standards of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.
Chair, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Task Force on Standards for Psychologists Practicing Rehabilitation.
Member, Illinois Head Injury Association Program Committee, 1991-1992.
Member, Professional Reimbursement Committee, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1988-1989.
Member, Research Committee, American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers. The committee Reviews grant proposals and awards funding of research on subjects relating to psychological issues associated with spinal cord injury. 1987 to 1994.
Member, Legislative Committee, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1989 to 1995.
Chair, Legislative Committee, Head Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group, ACRM, 1992 to
Liaison from the Head Injury Special Interest Group to the Legislative Committee of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1992 to 1995.
Consultant, University of Illinois Medical School Neuropsychiatry Post-Neurosurgery Behavioral Unit. Consultation includes training of the interdisciplinary staff of this new program as well as consultation relating to specific patients.
Invited participant, Consensus Conference on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and its Implications for Vocational Outcomes. Midwest Regional Head Injury Center for Rehabilitation and Prevention, May 1993.
Research collaboration with Ferenc Katona, M.D., Ph.D. in Budapest, Hungary, December 1994.
Member, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Head Injury ISIG-Cognitive Rehabilitation Task Force: April, 1999 to the present.
Research Panel Member, Critical Thinking Development, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Washington, D.C., June 29, 1999.
Program Committee, Division of Psychology (22), American Psychological Association, 2001-2 and 2002-2003.
Site Surveyor, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
Morris, J. Invited Consultation, The National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke-Mandeville, Aylesbury, England, July August 2004.
Consultant, The National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke-Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, England, January 2008 and August, 2008.
Local Chair, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Mid-Year Meeting, April 2010.
Member, Awards Committee, National Academy of Neuropsychology. Appointed 2010.
Consultant, SentiMetrix, developer of data science and social analytics for government agencies and commercial companies.
Morris, J. and Young, J. Development of the Field Screening Test, a neuropsychological test instrument for use by United States Army first responders (Combat Medics) in the field following suspected traumatic brain injuries and concussive blast injuries and training of more than 350 military medics and physicians’ assistants on the Field Screening Test, a neuropsychological test instrument for use by United States Army first responders (Combat Medics) in the field following suspected traumatic brain injuries and concussive blast injuries.
Consultant, Center for International Rehabilitation DARPA grant: Healing Heroes Project.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1989 to present.
Spinal Cord, Journal of the International Spinal Cord Injury Association, 2008 to present.
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2010 to present.
Rehabilitation Psychology, 2014 to present.
Open Psychology Journal, 2017 to present.
© 2018. Dr. Jeri Morris.
All rights reserved.